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Inside Dentistry
January 2009
Volume 5, Issue 1

The Best of Both Worlds: A New Self-Adhesive Resin Luting Cement

Manufacturers of resin cements often field questions concerning indications and contraindications, delivery systems, handling, working time, dentinal conditioning, and more. One product, G-Cem™ Self-Adhesive Resin Luting Cement (GC America, Inc, Alsip, IL), is a dual-cured cement indicated for a range of restorations: metal/porcelain-fused-to-metal (PFM); all-ceramic inlays, onlays, crowns and bridges; composite crowns; and prefabricated metal, fiberglass, and ceramic endodontic posts. Its capsule and automix delivery options provide compatibility with single and multiple units. In addition, G-Cem combines the best properties of seventh-generation resin adhesives with those of resin-modified glass-ionomer cements, resulting in chemical bonds that seal and protect moist or dry preparations. G-Cem’s mechanical properties include small particle size, resulting in minimized film thickness and accurate restorative fit.

Case Example

Clinical decisions regarding product selection become less difficult with G-Cem because of its array of applications and minimized postoperative sensitivity. The following case depicts its use with a zirconia crown on an endodontically treated tooth.

A healthy 42-year-old woman presented with a missing PFM crown caused by endodontic treatment. The temporary filling was removed, and a post and core were placed (Figure 1). The first molar was prepared for an all-ceramic crown using standard impressioning and provisionalization. After laboratory processing, the pressed-ceramic restoration was placed on the laboratory model for in vitro inspection (Figure 2 and Figure 3). At the cementation appointment, the provisional was removed, and the fit and esthetics of the restoration were verified in vivo. Before cementation, the preparation was rinsed and air-dried, and the all-ceramic crown was cleaned and silanated. Translucent G-Cem was evenly distributed on the internal aspect of the crown, which was then placed on the preparation (Figure 4). With firm pressure applied, the excess cement was cleaned with a microbrush and the margins of the restoration were lightcured for 2 to 4 seconds, creating a gel state of G-Cem that rendered the excess cement easy to remove (Figure 5). To complete clean-up, floss was carefully placed through the contacts to remove any interproximal cement. Because of the type of all-ceramic case, the restoration was cured for 20 seconds per surface to ensure a stable, retentive final restoration (Figure 6).

One Cement, an Array of Applications

G-Cem Self-Adhesive Resin Luting Cement provides numerous opportunities for use by the clinician. In addition to its many indications, the unique chemistry allows for hydrophilicity while penetrating the dentinal tubules and uses hydrophobic tendencies when sealing the tooth, resulting in a functional, comfortable, esthetic restoration.

This article was written by Stephen Poss, DDS.

For more information, contact:

GC America, Inc
Phone: 800-323-7063


The preceding material was provided by the manufacturer. The statements and opinions contained therein are solely those of the manufacturer and not of the editors, publisher, or the Editorial Board of Inside Dentistry. The preceding is not a warranty, endorsement, or approval for the aforementioned products or services or their effectiveness, quality, or safety on the part of Inside Dentistry or AEGIS Communications. The publisher disclaims responsibility for any injury to persons or property resulting from any ideas or products referred to in the preceding material.

Figure 1 The tooth after core buildup and before preparation. Figure 2 The pressed-ceramic crown.
Figure 3 The crown's fit was checked on the model. Figure 4 G-Cem Automix was syringed into the crown.
Figure 5 The gel state of the G-Cem allowed for easy clean-up. Figure 6 The final restoration.
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